Monday, February 2, 2015

All in One Honey

Thanks to the hard work of a little insect humans can benefit from honey .
In every country people enjoy honey in the most diverse form. It is use as Medicine to heal a sore throat, to heel wounds, and as a beautifying skin routine .

I remember as a child honey was always part of any recovery from sickness. If somebody in the family got sick my mother used to mix honey, coconut oil,  coconut milk, and cod liver oil.
Three tablespoon every day until we felt well. I think that it was one of the reason  nobody in the family were ever hospitalize. We grew up strong and kind of smart!

Honey is a great source of energy with just 64 calories for tablespoon and is gentle to the stomach. It also helps with food digestion. Honey can be eaten in its natural state or as an ingredient to cook dishes or desserts. Honey is also great in tea, coffee, or any beverage that require sweetener. Honey is a raw food that contains  the  bacteria Clostridium that can cause infant botulism that is why it is not recommend to be given to infants under two years old.

Honey is a great source of minerals like iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, potassium, copper, and manganese. Honey contains vitamin a, c, d, e, and k. It contains enzymes, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Honey also contains anti-fungal  properties and is an excellent antimicrobial agent .

Honey can be use to fight many kind of skin infections. Here are other beneficial properties of honey:

  • Increase vitality
  • For good  breath
  • To cure herring loss
  • For arthritis
  • Hair loss
  • Clean arteries
  • Great for insect bites.

Here is a few honey recipes.

To Heal Arthritis- 2 tablespoon of Honey and 1 cup of warn water. Drink daily.
For Hair loss- Make a paste with olive oil, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and a teaspoon of honey. Leave in for 15 minutes and wash the hair.

For weight loss: 1 spoon of cinnamon, 2 spoons of honey, 1 cup of boiling water (8 ounces). Put cinnamon in boiling water then turn off the heat and leave covered for a 1/2 hour. Pour in the honey when the water is warm. Drink half in the morning on an empty stomach, and the other half before going to bed.
Experts says that honey can increase your sex drive as well! So use honey everyday.